Sunday, February 22, 2015

Ciren for short

Vinny goes to school in Cirencester but all we had really seen of the town was the university so one day we spent an afternoon over there after Vinny's class. We wandered around town and did a bit of shopping, went to the museum, and had a bit to eat.
Corinium Museum: mostly told about Roman times in Britain.

Toys for Truman!

Mosaics everywhere!

Truman climbing into the exhibits

Funny faces in windows! Our new favorite game

Food: a little place called "He Says She Waffles" Yum
We also spotted this store in Cirencester. I think they are in lots of places so now I know to always go in. Cute! And at another shop we finally got a padded waterproof snowsuit for Truman to keep him warm. It definitely keeps him warm but the poor kid can't move in it. Zoops


  1. Those waffles look yum! And so does Truman.

  2. Checking. Checking. 123. I just want to be sure I can comment under the profile "anonymous". I'm not going to remain anonymous. 'Tis I, Kaylee Dawn.

  3. Yay! Mk... So I have composed a few comments only to have them deleted bc of my lack of google account. So, here I am... openly anonymously letting you know that I am obsessed with your whereabouts. I'm so happy to see that ya'll are digging the UK! It is absolutely beautiful and I am just loving the fact that ya'll are exploring as much as you are! Good on ya, mates (that's british lingo, right? uh... wait)
    Truman is the cutest pie! I can't even handle not having him here to snuggle!

  4. Good thing you are taking lots of pictures so Truman knows how lucky he is. That store looks so cute, I hope you find some good British treasures. Love the day trips!

  5. It looks like Truman is getting some meat on his bones! Maybe it's the layers of clothes or the Ralphy suit?! Either way, he's too cute!
